Litigation Skills Training
To persuade, we must connect.
To connect effectively, nothing beats experience.
Effective legal advocacy depends fundamentally on our ability to connect with our audience:
At CONNECTD Litigation Skills Training, we offer attorneys a golden opportunity: study critical litigation skills and practice those skills in a simulated setting. Free from the consequences of a real case, we are free to experiment, make mistakes, and improve rapidly to become better advocates for our clients, keep our skills sharp, and gain a competitive advantage.
Next Up
Stay tuned for information on upcoming programs.
Please note: Unless otherwise specified, approved CLE/MCLE credit will be provided for the state in which the course is held, if in person, or the state in which the participants are located, if remote.
Get experience with our hands-on skills training
$1,500 per student (in person)
$1,400 per student (remote)
This program focuses on all aspects of deposition practice, from fundamental skills to advanced techniques, and gives attorneys hands-on practice examining and defending in challenging situations using a mock civil case file.
Participants will receive 12 hours of CLE credit (pending approval).
Custom pricing available for firms with multiple attorneys participating in two-day training, including in-house programs.
$250 per student (remote only)
For attorneys who are unable to participate in the full two-day hands-on program or prefer a lecture-based approach, CONNECTD will discuss and demonstrate key skills during a two-hour online program.
Participants will receive 2 hours of CLE credit (pending approval).
$150 per student (remote only)
This brief session is an ideal follow-up program to the Two-Day Training program. CONNECTD will prepare a custom offering to help attorneys explore situations that they and their colleagues have experienced in depositions, and to address other selected skills and scenarios that attorneys are likely to face when examining, defending, and preparing witnesses.
Participants will receive 1 hour of CLE credit (pending approval).
Schedule and pricing based on program design
CONNECTD will design a program to meet the needs of law firms and attorneys. The time, schedule, cost, and CLE credits will depend on the client's desired course design.
Please note: Unless otherwise specified, approved CLE/MCLE credit will be provided for the state in which the course is held, if in person, or the state in which the participants are located, if remote.
R. John Kuehn
Attorney | Instructor | Mediator
Connections are fundamental to the human experience. They fuel our satisfaction and success, both personally and professionally. After more than 20 years in the private practice of law and 18 years of teaching litigation skills to lawyers and law students, John launched CONNECTD Litigation Skills Training LLC to bring experience-based education and training to attorneys seeking to grow as effective advocates. John instructs lawyers on effective methods of connecting with witnesses who will testify in depositions and other legal proceedings. These skills include techniques for questioning adverse witnesses, ethically and effectively preparing the attorney’s client and other favorable witnesses to testify, and defending the interests of the client and other witnesses during their testimony.
John also practices law through his firm, CONNECTD Legal LLC, where he helps clients build connections in two specific areas.
After attending high school in Okinawa, Japan, John earned a B.A. magna cum laude in Philosophy and German from the University of Notre Dame and a J.D. from the Notre Dame Law School.
Since graduating from Notre Dame, John has practiced law and taught litigation skills in Northern Indiana. In his law practice, John has advised local, regional, and national employers on matters of labor and employment law and represented clients in all phases of administrative and judicial legal proceedings.
John is a registered civil mediator and is admitted to practice in all Indiana federal and state courts, as well as in the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit and the United States District Courts for the Eastern and Western Districts of Michigan and Northern District of Illinois.
As an adjunct professor at Notre Dame Law School, John has taught deposition and trial advocacy skills since 2004. John also has presented numerous educational programs for business and HR leaders through the local chapter of the Society for Human Resources Management and various professional services firms.
Get in Touch
(574) 850-2295
P.O. Box 392
Notre Dame, Indiana 46556
Terms and Conditions
Time for the part of this website you've been waiting for: the fine print. First of all, Connectd Litigation Skills Training LLC (“CLST”), an Indiana-based business entity, owns the website. If you're using this website, these terms and conditions apply, and using the website means you accept all of these terms and conditions and agree to be bound by them. They might change at any time without giving you advance notice.
All remarks, suggestions, ideas, graphics, data or other information communicated to CLST through this website, via facsimile, voice mail, telephone call, U.S. mail, electronic mail, or any other form of communication will be treated as non-proprietary and non-confidential and become the property of CLST without compensation, for exclusive use at our discretion.
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CLST owns all the intellectual property ("IP") on this website. That includes the trademarks, service marks, logos, and other content. Nothing on this website grants, by implication, estoppel or otherwise, any license or right to use any IP displayed on this website without the prior written permission of CLST. This website is copyrighted. The material displayed on the website is copy written and may not be copied, distributed, modified, transmitted, reused, re-posted or otherwise displayed for public or commercial purposes without the express written permission of CLST for each such use of the material. CLST’s copyright notice (“© 2022 Connectd Litigation Skills Training LLC. All Rights Reserved.”) and the World Wide Web address (“”) are prominently displayed on the material.
We respect the intellectual property rights of others, and we ask that our visitors do the same. If you think that your work has been copied in a manner that constitutes copyright infringement, you may notify us at P.O. Box 392, Notre Dame, Indiana, 46556, or
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CLST disclaims any responsibility for harm resulting from the use of CLST’s website, materials, electronic files, or any software or content downloaded on CLST’s website, whether or not CLST approved, produced, designed, or otherwise disseminated such software, files, or content. CLST approval does not guarantee that software or content from an approved partner will function, sound, or appear as offered or hoped, or be complete, accurate, or free from bugs, errors, viruses, or other harmful content. CLST expressly disclaims all warranties and conditions, express or implied, including any implied warranties and conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and noninfringement, and any warranties and conditions arising out of course of dealing or usage of trade regarding the CLST website or any software, files, or content you download using through CLST. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained from CLST or elsewhere will create any warranty or condition not expressly stated in this agreement. Some jurisdictions do not allow certain limitations on implied warranties, so the above limitation may not apply to you to its full extent.
Limitation of Liability
CLST’s total liability to you from all causes of action and under all theories of liability will be limited to $50.00. In no event and under no theory of liability will CLST be liable to you for any special, incidental, exemplary, or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with this agreement or the software whether or not CLST has been advised of the possibility of such damages. The foregoing limitations will survive even if any limited remedy specified is found to have failed of its essential purpose. You agree that CLST will never be liable for any amount for which it has not agreed in writing. CLST shall never be liable for a participant's time waiting for a program, including, but not limited to programs that are delayed, cancelled, or substituted. Some jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you to its full extent.
Event of Force Majeure
In these Terms & Conditions, an "Event of Force Majeure" refers to an event beyond the control of CLST, which prevents or otherwise impedes CLST from complying with an obligation, contract, duty, or undertaking. Examples of Force Majeure include, but are not limited to: natural disasters (such as, but not limited to, hurricanes, fires, explosions, earthquakes, drought, tidal waves and floods); disease, including pandemic illness and endemic illness; war; acts of terrorism; rebellion; utility outage; contamination by radioactivity; riots; commotion; and/or strikes. It is agreed that CLST shall not be considered in breach of any obligation, contract, duty, or undertaking to the extent that CLST's performance is prevented or otherwise impeded by an Event of Force Majeure. In the Event of Force Majeure, CLST shall not be liable for any resulting or consequential damages, whether expected or unexpected. At no time is CLST liable to a participant for an amount greater than the total amount of the participant's registration for the program at issue. Instead, it is agreed that CLST shall make its best efforts to fulfill any obligation, contract, duty, or undertaking prevented or otherwise impeded by Event of Force Majeure in the sole discretion of CLST, at a later time. In the Event of Force Majeure, it is agreed that participants may access the program for which they are registered at a later time when CLST is technologically able to honor an obligation, contract, duty, or undertaking.
This website may contain links to other sites. CLST has no control over the information and privacy policies and practices of those websites, and is not responsible for their content, collection and use of information, or freedom from error or viruses. It is your responsibility to recognize, by paying attention to your browser’s address bar, when you are leaving CLST’s site.
Services & Products
The information on this website is presented only for the promotion of services and products available in the United States and unless otherwise specified. CLST makes no representation or warranty that this website is applicable or appropriate for use in any jurisdiction outside of the United States.
Governing Law and Dispute Resolution
These Terms, Conditions, and Privacy Policy posted at this website constitute the entire agreement between you and CLST with respect to your use of this website.
All disputes relating to any CLST product or service marketed at any time on this website and/or arising under the Terms, Conditions, and Privacy Policy, regardless of where they are brought, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Indiana without regard to any conflict of law provisions. You agree that, regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to your use of this website and any product or service of CLST must be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred. You agree to submit any dispute with CLST exclusively to a federal or state court in St. Joseph County, Indiana.
By using this site, you agree that ANY claim brought by you against or in any way involving CLST and/or any of its employees, owners, management, directors, officers, and/or affiliates must be brought exclusively in a federal or state court in St. Joseph County, Indiana. You agree that no court other than the federal or state courts in St. Joseph County, Indiana shall have jurisdiction of any claim or lawsuit involving you and CLST. You accept and agree that you will be liable to CLST for all damages, including court costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees, for any litigation that you bring against, involving or relating to CLST or in any way involving CLST and/or any of its employees, owners, management, directors, officers, and/or affiliates, outside of St. Joseph County, Indiana, in which CLST is the prevailing party. In addition, you accept and agree that CLST may bring a claim in St. Joseph County, Indiana, against you for all damages, including court costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees, for any litigation that you bring against, involving, or relating to CLST or in any way involving CLST and/or any of its employees, owners, management, directors, officers, and/or affiliates, outside of St. Joseph County, Indiana.
You agree that by filing and/or causing to be filed suit claim against, involving, or relating to CLST or in any way involving CLST and/or any of its employees, owners, management, directors, officers, and/or affiliates, outside of St. Joseph County, Indiana, that you are in breach of contract. You further agree to be subject for ALL reasonable fees, costs, and damages caused by your threats and/or actions to file suit against, involving, or relating to CLST or in any way involving CLST and/or any of its employees, owners, management, directors, officers, and/or affiliates outside of St. Joseph County, Indiana, AND to have a court in St. Joseph County, Indiana, adjudicate those damages. You agree that a court in St. Joseph County, Indiana, has exclusive jurisdiction over you based on your use of this site.
You accept and agree that if any portion of these Terms and Conditions is found by an court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the court will nevertheless give effect to the parties’ intentions expressed in these Terms and Conditions. CLST is entitled to recover reasonable attorneys’ fees, court costs, and all other reasonable costs incurred by CLST in the event that CLST files legal suit to recover payment or other monies owed to CLST by you or for any breach by you of any of these Terms and Conditions. In the event that CLST files a lawsuit to recover payment or other monies, CLST is entitled to recover costs, but not limited to, chargeback and dispute fees, bank penalty fees, court filing fees, collection fees, and all reasonable attorneys’ fees and court costs involved in CLST's representation and case preparation.
All other provisions of these Terms and Conditions remain in full force and effect. Any failure by CLST to exercise any rights or to enforce any of the terms of the Terms and Conditions will not constitute a waiver of such rights or terms.
CLST believes that electronic privacy is crucial to the ongoing success of the internet as an educational, commercial, and service medium. This policy summarizes the type of information, including personally identifiable information, that we collect through our website and how we might use that information. By using our website, you consent to the collection and use of this information by CLST.
Collection and Use of Information
For each visitor to our website, our web server automatically recognizes and collects the domain name of your internet provider. This information may be used to improve the content and usefulness of our website and for marketing purposes. We do not sell, share, or rent your contact or personal information to a third party for purposes of marketing. Please notify us in writing if you do not wish to be marketed to by CLST. CLST may also disclose Personally Identifiable Information in response to legal process, such as a court order or subpoena.
CLE Accreditation & Credit Processing
It is accepted, understood, and agreed that CLST provides a gratuitous undertaking to forward continuing legal education and minimum continuing legal education (collectively, "CLE") applications to certain jurisdictions listed on the program details of individual courses. It is further accepted, understood, and agreed that CLST's failure to perform the gratuitous undertaking of forwarding CLE applications to certain jurisdictions listed on the program details of individual courses in no way breaches any contract, of any kind, between you and CLST. It is accepted, understood, and agreed that CLST will not be held liable if a jurisdiction does not approve an individual course for CLE credit. CLST does not warrant that a certain jurisdiction will approve or has approved a course for partial or full credit. It is accepted, understood, and agreed that the program registration fee provides an individual license for the registered participant to participate in the particular program and the course fee does not provide any expectation, warranty, or requirement that you receive CLE credit for a given course.
Unless CLST specifies otherwise in writing to you, it is the responsibility of each participant to ensure that their full and proper credit has been posted to their state bar and/or jurisdiction. CLST will not be responsible if this credit is not fully or accurately posted to an individual participant's CLE history with their state bar and/or bar association and/or other government entity regulating CLE. In addition, CLST's undertaking to post CLE credit is not part of the registration fee for the program. CLST's posting of CLE credit is a gratuitous undertaking, whose failure in no way breaches CLST's contract with a participant's purchase or program registration. If a jurisdiction is not listed under the program description, CLST disclaims any guarantee, warranty, or liability if the jurisdiction later determines not to provide full or partial CLE and/or CLE credit for the particular program.
In the event that a course is not approved for CLE credit, CLST will not be held liable to return, cancel, or refund part or full registration fees. CLST does not make any oral representations regarding applications for CLE credit to jurisdiction not listed on this website. Any information that differs from the information posted at this website or otherwise not listed on this website must be stated, in writing, by CLST, prior to the participant's purchase of the program in question in order to prove validity. CLST disclaims any liability, warranty, or guarantee to pay any optional fee related to CLE and/or CLE credit.
Under no circumstance shall a participant share log-in information, course-access information, or other means to participate in any program with any other party not registered to participate in a given program. Where a participant for a CLST program registers for one participant to participate in a given program and where more than one telephone line is used by the participant or multiple participants join the seiner under the participant's name, no CLE credit of any kind shall be given to the participant until the participant fully identifies all participants utilizing their name and pays for all participants who utilized the program under his or her name to gain access to the program.
Consent for Live Questions To Be Reproduced for Subsequent Use
All participants who choose to ask live questions during a live videoconference or teleconference agree to have their voice and/or likeness heard and reproduced when and if the live videoconference or teleconference is converted to an on-demand downloadable program, podcast, rebroadcast, or any other reproduction of the original program. In addition, participants agree that their question may be edited, in whole or in part, at the sole discretion of CLST.
CLST has sole discretion to determine whether questions presented by participants are appropriate to be asked during the live question and answer session. CLST makes no warranties of any kind that every question asked by every participant will be posed to the program faculty during the live, telephonic program. CLST make no warranties of any kind that there will be adequate time for every question of every participant to be asked of the program faculty member(s) during the program. CLST may, at its sole discretion, limit the number and/or types of questions that may be asked during the programs.
CLST will make the contact information of program faculty available upon request to registered participants so participants can communicate directly with CLST program faculty. CLST is not responsible to ensure that the program faculty reply, in part or whole to any or all questions posed by participants during the program or in the event that participants opt to communicate directly with program faculty following the program.
Course & Reference Materials
If indicated on the program page, CLST provides course and reference materials to accompany many of our programs. Some faculty members may prefer to utilize and supply exhaustive course and reference materials to accompany their discussion. Other faculty members may prefer not to utilize materials. Therefore, may be some programs for which there are no course materials to accompany each individual faculty member's discussion.
It is accepted and understood that participants will not rely on or use course materials for legal advice. It is also understood that participants understand that some courses may have limited course and reference materials. At no time will the absence, lack of, or limited amount of course or reference material provide for the cancellation of a program.
All course and reference materials are provided by means of a downloadable format, generally in an Adobe PDF version. CLST never mails out course and reference materials in a paper format. As an environmentally friendly company, CLST has replaced wasting paper and sending out written materials with providing participants with an easy, convenient downloadable version of the materials.
Views & Reliance Upon Seminar Faculty and Course/Reference Material
The views expressed during CLST's programs are those of the program faculty and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions, or expressions of CLST. The views of CLST's program faculty are not intended to provide legal advice or consultation. CLST's programs must not be relied upon as legal advice or consultation. CLST expressly disclaims any and all liability if a program faculty member fails to provide a complete, accurate, updated, or revised position or statement of law. CLST will not be held liable for any consequences following reliance upon the lecture, guidance, materials of any program faculty member or course or reference material, regardless of the person(s) and/or entity(ies) who prepared the course and/or reference material, and regardless of the qualifications of the program faculty member.
Security of CLST's Website
CLST cannot guarantee the security of information collected through this website or stored in its data systems, the accuracy of the information posted on or accessed through this website, or that the site is error-free or virus-free.
Access to Materials
Under no circumstance may a link be sent or forwarded to any individual other than the registered participant.
Oral Representations
All information pertaining to state bar approvals, program agendas, program guides, faculty qualifications, materials, and all other relevant information on CLST programs is provided at this website and through other written communications. CLST does not make any oral representations regarding state bar approvals, program agendas, program guides, faculty qualifications, materials, or other relevant information related to programs.
Cancellation Policy & Refunds
All sales are final. Any participant’s order cancelled in writing more than one week before a live teleconference may receive a credit valid toward a future CLST program, valid for one year from the date of issuance. Credits not used within 365 days of issuance expire.
Credits will only be given in response to requests emailed to Cancellations or credits will never be taken over the phone or accepted if left on a voicemail. Orders cannot be cancelled, exchanged, refunded, or modified within six business days or fewer prior to a program unless agreed in writing by CLST.
Refunds are not provided after a registration has been made; instead, a credit toward a future program is provided if the order is cancelled in a timely manner as outlined above in this paragraph. Refunds will not be given under any circumstance once an participant has begun a seminar, irrespective of the length of time for which the participant chooses to spend on the live teleconference. Refunds and credits will not be given because a participant chose to dial into a program late, hung up before the program ended, or for the participant's technical difficulty.
Payment for Services
CLST provides programs on a per-participant basis. All participants must register for the program, irrespective of whether the participant seeks and/or claims CLE credit. CLST is owed payment by every participant to each and every program. In no case may a registered participant share his or her access credentials with a non-registered participant. If two or more individuals working at the same firm each wish to participate in the program on different lines or connections, all individuals must register for the program individually irrespective of whether one or more of the participants is/are seeking CLE credit. Only individuals whose names are entered on the program registration made through CLST may have access to the program..
Lecturer & Agenda Policy
CLST provides each participant with the agenda that the program faculty intend to follow. A program faculty member may deviate from the agenda and topics posted. CLST may not be held liable if a program faculty member does not cover any or all of the agenda points or supplements the agenda with additional topics. Last minute schedule changes may occur and prevent a particular faculty member from attending. The faculty member may be substituted by another individual, or the faculty member may request to have their lecture pre-recorded prior to the live program and the lecture aired in combination with the live program. Portions of a teleconference or the entire teleconference may be pre-recorded and program during a videoconference or teleconference. CLST will not be held liable for the substitution of one or more program faculty members, if a faculty member opts to pre-record, or in the event that a program faculty member is unable to join a given program.
Cancelled Check Fee
Any check used for payment that results in a returned check fee will require the participant to compensate CLST for $250.00 to cover the returned check fee and associated costs incurred by CLST plus the original amount of the check payment. This payment must be forwarded to CLST within seven business days of the date of notification of the returned or cancelled check. This payment must be forwarded to CLST in the form of a cashier's check.